Sunday, May 16, 2010

Do you believe in angels?

Without a doubt. They might not all look like Nicholas Cage (hehe), but they are definitely there. Or, er... here rather.

Ask me whatever!

Who inspires you the most?

Wow. This is a tough one. I would have to say that my Mom inspires me a lot as a woman and who I should be. Also, my baby siblings inspire me to be the best role model I can be. Before, I was the youngest child and didn't have to worry about anyone taking after me. Now, even though I'm much older, I still think twice before I do something.

Ask me whatever!

What one thing are you exceptionally good at?

I am a HTML nerd. In middle school I actually opened my own layout and HTML website for MySpace codes and cheats. I am also very into computer graphics.

Ask me whatever!

How would you describe your style?

Very open. I am so into fashion and new styles that I take what is currently in style and mix it with my own personal touches. Very casual one day, very dressy the next. It's just how I do.

Ask me whatever!

Who was the best teacher you've ever had?

My current Economics's teacher. He's hilarious and treats all of his students like equals, instead of his pupil's.

Ask me whatever!

What website do you spend the most time on?

The first thing I check in the morning and everytime I log onto the internet is my Yahoo! email to see if any of my favorite stories have been updated. Then I check my Facebook. And then I browse around for something new.

Ask me whatever!

What's your favorite type of flower?

Tiger lilies. When I was younger we had wild ones that created a fence around our front yard. They were so beautiful and meant so much to me that I actually have a rather large vine of Tiger lilies tattooed on my side, from below my bra line to the top of my waist.

Ask me whatever!

What's the nicest thing someone's ever done for you?

I am surrounded by amazing people that are always brightening up my day! The most recent thing I can think of is when my best friend attacked my car in Post-It's when I was at work, dreading having to close the store that night. Each Post-It said something nice and encouraging, and I cried all the way home from work that night.

Ask me whatever!

What household chore do hate to do the most?

Folding laundry. One of my two jobs is at a clothing store, so when I get home, I have 0 ambition to fold my clothes, and they will sit in a hamper on my bed getting wrinkly for about 3 days before I attempt to take care of them.

Ask me whatever!

Star Trek or Star Wars?

Star Trek. I love me some Zachary Quinto.

Ask me whatever!

What are you most excited about right now?

Actually, a lot of things! Classes being for a few months, new friendships, new lovers, new vacations on the horizon. Whoo-hoo! Here's to Summer 10'!

Ask me whatever!

Cats or Dogs?

CATS! My cats are seriously my life; as pathetic as that sounds. My Joe and Jazze are definitely my boys and the only babies I'll need for a LONG time. :)

Ask me whatever!

Who inspires you the most?

Wow. This is a tough one. I would have to say that my Mom inspires me a lot as a woman and who I should be. Also, my baby siblings inspire me to be the best role model I can be. Before, I was the youngest child and didn't have to worry about anyone taking after me. Now, even though I'm much older, I still think twice before I do something.

Ask me whatever!

What was your favorite TV show as a child?

I was a TV junkie when I was younger! I rocked to things like Kenan and Kel, All That, Hey Arnold!, Rugrats, Rocko's Modern Life... I think you get the idea.

Ask me whatever!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm Not Dead

I am really starting to think that that should be my theme song - how about you?

I'm not dead. I'm not dead. I'm not dead.

Anyway, I have just returned from my forever-long (or so it seemed) vacation. I feel refreshed, but definitely ready to return to my crazy and hectic world - fanfiction included. I am getting to the point where I feel like I will never finish the YM&B series, and that is seriously depressing. Between school and work and becoming someone with a million and three responsibility's, I really have a limited amount of time. Take some of that time away for the time it takes to read the updates to my favorite stories (yes, I am selfish) and then add the obstacle of writers block, and nothing seems to get done. Well, writing wise, that is.

I guess my reason for this is to thank you all once again for not abandoning me, as a lot of you still feel as if I am abandoning you. Trust me, it's either post garbage, or take the time to do it right.

I love you all, and thank you for standing by me and my trillion issues.

(BTW, 1,000 something words of chapter 11 done. That's gotta count for something, right?)


Before I forget, I would also like to start doing rec's for other good stories.

"A Rough Start" by: itzmegan73

This story can be found on both FFN and Twilighted and it is amazing. If anyone knows anything about me, is that with the exception of "Alphabet Weekends" I really hate third person. "A Rough Start" has definitely made another exception and I think it has actually become one of my top favorites. You should all definitely check it out!


Alright, I'm done. I am still in the middle of a writing spree for LAU, I just had to get some things off my chest as I am doing the same for Bella and Edward in this chapter.

Again, thank you all, and you're the greatest!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Chapter 11 of LAU Preview!

Chapter 11 is BPOV, jsyk.


“Oh my God! No way!” I whined in shock as an unexpected visitor suddenly stopped by for its monthly visit.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” Edward asked with concern lacing his features as he reached over the console of his car to rub my leg soothingly.

“I think I just got my period,” I blurtered out, before rethinking my choice of words. My monthly cycle was something that Edward and I have never discussed before. Well, excluding the night of Esme’s party, when I told him that I was late and potentially pregnant with his child. Typically, if I shied away from physical contact after second base, Edward was smart enough to not ask questions about it for the rest of the week.

The look on Edward’s faced transformed into the same state of shock I wore.

Luck always being on our side, we were just now leaving the doctor’s office with Sophie, where she and I both had our check-ups.

And I had just been cleared for sex.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” Edward muttered in a dry voice. “You’re positive?”

“Uh, yeah,” I nodded before rolling my eyes. As if I would say something like that if I wasn’t.

Blowing out a huge gush of air and pulling his hair, Edward continued rubbing my leg, but remained silent the rest of the ride home.


Hm... I promised a sexual reunification, but did the story take on it's own script once again? Do you think Bella and Edward will actually do the deed? Let me know what you think is going to happen!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chapter 10 of LAU is posted!

Like promised over at FFN, click on the link below to view Bella, Rose, and Alice's dresses for the ... eh, event (in case some of you are reading this before the chapter. And if so, SHOO, and come back once you are finished reading it!)

Just click on this link, and remember, just imagine that all of Bella's stuff is blue in place of the red. Polyvore didn't have any blue flower dresses that I liked.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

LAU Chapter 10 Preview!

To show all of you how into this I plan on being, as I am working on writing the next chapter of LAU, I decided to give you all a little sneak peak. Awesome enough for you?

Give me a good response, and you'll get peeks into every new chapter.



"Are you sure you want to do this, Bella?" I asked softly as I reached over to grab her hand. "We can just turn around and go home."

Please tell me to drive us home, baby, I internally pleaded.

We were currently traveling over to my parents house, where we would meet up with our siblings and blow one of last days before school starts. That was all good and fine, however, our last free day required us to be baby-less - for the first time since Sophie was born.

Needless to day, Bella and I were both nervous and uneasy with leaving our baby in the care of someone else. Even if we were only leaving her in the care of the same people who raised us. It didn't matter. All that did, was that we would not be there if little Sophia needed her mommy or daddy.

"What?" Bella breathed as she jerked her head to face me. "Oh, um, yeah. I'm fine."

"Everything will be okay, baby. I'm sure my parents won't do anything to scar her for life."

Picking up on the tone of my voice, Bella snorted. "Who are you trying to convince? Me or you?"

I just simply shrugged and turned my focus back twoards the road, trying desperately not to remember the time Emmett hammered a nail into his foot while helping my father put up shelves, or the time Alice sliced the tip of her pinky off while working with my mother in the kitchen.

Her pinky-tip never did grow back.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


So, for the first time in months, I am actually posting something that has absolutely nothing to do with any sort of bad news. Aren't you all super impressed with me? I know I sure am!

On to business... Yes, this is my introduction into the blogging world. Well, I made that other blog like forever ago, but the site I made it through prohibited me from doing a lot of things I wanted and planned to do. So here I have relocated. Tada!

My plan is to post a weekly update (most likely every Sunday), even if I do not add any new chapters to my stories. That way it isn't like I have dropped dead or anything, you know? I may post more, I may post less, either way, I'll actually be here.

Gotta go spruce up my blog. Later!

P.S. Chapter ten of LAU is in process! I'm about 400 words in so I still have a ways to go, but it is better than nothing, am I right? :)